How do I get a UserVoice account to access the Ideas Portal?
Although you can view the Ideas Portal without a UserVoice account, if you'd like to submit Ideas, vote or give other contributions, you will need a UserVoice account. There are three ways to register with UserVoice to access the Ideas Portal detailed below:
- Register with your school email address and a password of your choice (we recommend this way).
- Register with your Juniper Education account.
- Register with your Google account.
- Register with your Microsoft sign in.
Register with your school email address and a password of your choice
Creating a UserVoice account using your school email address and a password is simple:
- When trying to Sign In, select Create an account.
- When trying to add a new idea, select Create an account.
- When trying to vote, select Create an account.
After selecting Create an account follow these steps:
Information: Verify email can only be selected when it's highlighted in black following a valid email address being entered.
The following window is displayed after you select Verify Email:
Make a note of your Security Code, or copy it to your clipboard.
- Enter the name that you would like displayed when you are using UserVoice for the Ideas Portal.
- Enter a Password that:
- Is at least 8 characters long.
- Has at least one lower and one upper case character.
- Has at least one symbol (for example, $, !, @, _, *).
- Includes at least one number.
- Re-enter your Password to confirm it.
- Read and confirm the terms of service.
- Scroll down until you can see Create Account.
- Select Create Account.
Registering using your Google account or Microsoft sign in
If you would prefer to not use your school Email address and a password to access the Ideas Portal, but want to use your Juniper Education account, Google account or Microsoft sign in, select the appropriate button when displayed on window and follow the instructions provided to connect using single sign-on: